Acceptance is embracing life however it is.
Appreciation is recognizing the goodness of someone, something, or an action.
Being assertive means being positive and confident. Caring
Caring is giving love and attention to people who matter to
you, and treating them with gentleness and respect. Commitment
Commitment is deciding carefully what you want to do, then
giving it 100%. Compassion
Compassion is the combination of —
Self-confidence is trusting that you have the ability to
succeed in what you try. Consideration
Consideration is being thoughtful of other people – their
feelings, wishes and needs. Cooperation
Cooperation is working together for a common goal and sharing
the work load.
Courage is being unafraid to make a decision or try something
new. Courtesy
Courtesy is being polite and respectful, and having good
manners. Creativity
Creativity is finding different ways to be expressive or to solve problems.
Decisiveness is a firmness of mind and will – to make a
stand, reach a conclusion, or make a commitment to do something. Detachment
With detachment you can be aware of your emotions and your
thoughts, but not allow them to take control. Determination
Determination is continually working on something until it is
complete or good enough, even if it isn't easy. Devotion
Commitment to something you care about deeply. Diligence
Diligence is working hard and doing your absolute best. Discernment
Discernment is a clear seeing of the truth and what is the best
way. Discipline
Self-discipline is having self-control to do what you choose to
do, or need to do, rather than being controlled by your habits or
childish desires. Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is an excitement about life and an openness to the
wonders each day holds. Excellence
Excellence is giving your best and doing your best in whatever
you do. Flexibility
Flexibility is being open to change or to new ways. Forgiveness
Forgiveness is overlooking mistakes and giving someone another
Friendliness is taking an interest in others and making them
feel welcome. Generosity
Generosity is giving and sharing freely what you have, but
without expectation of receiving in return. Gentleness
Gentleness is acting softly, speaking considerately, and
thinking kindly. Goodwill
Goodwill is a will oriented towards the good. Gratitude
Gratitude is feeling and expressing thankfulness and
appreciation for what life gives you, or for what others give you.
Helpfulness is offering your help, without waiting to be asked.
Honesty is being openly truthful and sincere. Honor
Honor is giving respect to yourself and to others. Humility
Humility is knowing that you are not the all-important one. Idealism
Idealism is having high ideals about what is achievable, for yourself and for the world. Integrity
Integrity is living by your highest values and ideals. Joyfulness
Joy is an uplifted feeling of love, happiness, and gratitude.
Justice is manifesting equal fairness for everyone. Kindness
Kindness is doing something nice and helpful to others. Love
Love is a feeling of affection and caring for a person, a
place, an idea, and for life itself. Loyalty
Loyalty is an unwavering faithfulness and commitment to people
and ideas we care about. Mindfulness
Mindfulness is being intentionally aware of the people and
things one is presently interacting with, and the space around. Moderation
Moderation is creating a healthy balance in your life between
work and play, rest and exercise. Modesty
Modesty is to value yourself without having to boast about your
abilities or successes. Obedience
Obedience is following what we believe is right to do. Orderliness
Orderliness is being organized and arranging things in an
organized and harmonious way. Patience
Patience is believing in an expected end result, but also
knowing that things take time to work out. Perseverance
Perseverance is being steadfast and persistent. Peacefulness
Peacefulness is being calm, tranquil, and relaxed. Playfulness
A playful person is freely exploratory, rather than bound by fixed
rules or ideas about what is right.
Prayerfulness is relationship of faith and gratitude with the
Power and Presence greater than ourselves. Purposefulness
Being purposeful is having goals and intention. Reliability
Reliability means that others can depend on you. Responsibility
Responsibility is doing what is needed, rather than expect
others to do it. Respect
Respect is treating others and oneself with dignity. Reverence
Reverence an awareness of the sacredness of life. Righteousness
Righteousness is saying and doing what you believe is right. Sacrifice
Sacrifice is a willingness to give up your personal desires for
what is more important, or for a greater good. Service
Service is giving to others and to life. Sincerity
Sincerity is being true and genuine, from your heart. Steadfastness
Steadfastness is being steady, persevering and dependable. Strength
Strength is your inner power to overcome obstacles and be
victorious in what you value.
Tact is considering how your words affect others' feelings.
Thankfulness is being grateful for what you have, or for what
is given.
Tolerance is accepting and respecting differences – in
belief, cultural practice, or lifestyle.
Trust is having faith in someone or something, that things will
work out alright. Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness is being worthy of trust, when people can trust
Truthfulness is being honest in your words and actions. Understanding
Understanding is knowing what is true and how people feel.
Unity is the realization or feeling of being interconnected
with others and in harmony with a shared purpose.
Vigilance is maintaining an unwavering, continuous, urgent and devoted attentiveness for an important purpose.
Wisdom is making good decisions.
You do not react negatively to what cannot be changed anyways.
You can bend and adapt when challenges arise.
You allow others to be in their own process, without trying to force them into any particular way.
Nonetheless, you accept your own responsibility for helping others and for making positive changes in the world.
You recognize beauty, excellence, and value.
You see the goodness of what is given in life or in what you experience.
You appreciate the beauty in nature.
You express appreciation with gratitude.
You think for yourself.
You believe that your ideas and your needs are worthy of
respect, and you express your ideas and wishes.
You stand up for what is right, and you don't let people
manipulate you.
You set personal boundaries if needed.
You feel an urge to help people, and you give your best effort
to do what is best for them.
You can also care about animals and plants and the Earth, or
you can care about ideas, projects, or other things.
With caring, you consider what is needed, and you do what is
You give your all to a friendship, a task, or something you
believe in.
You are of wholehearted service to someone or something, or to
a larger work or purpose.
You have unwavering perseverance to stay with a person or a
work, through the easy and hard times.
You finish what you start, and you keep your promises.
love, caring, understanding, and empathy.
You truly love people with a feeling and realization
of being related in the deepness of heart.
You care about people – their feelings and their well being.
You seek to understand the situation and feelings of others.
You share empathy with others, opening your feelings to what they feel, yet without being self-identified.
You feel for those who are suffering or in need, and you want to help them.
You feel compassion for others, even if you might disagree with their beliefs or actions.
You love unconditionally. You let go of judgments and you forgive.
You feel positive in new situations and have courage to try new
things, without letting doubts or fears hold you back.
When you have confidence in others, recognizing their abilities
and trustworthiness.
You do what is good for people and what makes them feel loved.
You think about how your actions affect others and the Earth.
You give intelligent thought to each idea and possible
You behave harmoniously with others and follow socially agreed
Your actions benefit the larger community or purpose.
You join with others to do things that cannot be done alone;
for together we can accomplish great things.
Cooperation builds group harmony, peace and well-being.
You embrace life fully and keep moving forward with positive
You can take on a difficult challenge without fear.
You do the right thing, even when it's difficult, and you don't
give up.
Courage requires self-confidence and a positive belief in
You give others a feeling of being respected and valued.
You give to others to make them happy.
With imagination you can see things in
new ways.
You are open-minded to new ideas and
inspirational visions.
You express your unique talents, abilities, and ideas.
You have courage to express new styles, rather
than just copy or repeat what everyone else does.
Your originality brings new variety into the world.
Decisiveness requires discernment, commitment, and courage.
With detachment, you are free to thoughtfully choose how you
will act, rather than merely react mechanically.
Detachment frees your consciousness.
Detachment is a power of our will to be free from attachments
and reactions.
You make consistent effort to reach your goals, not giving up
because of difficulty.
You focus your energy and efforts on a task and stick with it
until it is finished.
A feeling of being magnetically drawn to love and serve others,
God, or an important service work.
You do things step by step, with great care and attention.
Diligence helps you to get things done with excellence and
It is knowing what is true, not false.
It is knowing what is real, not fake.
It is understanding what is right or best to do, or which path
to take.
To reach discernment, you use experience, sound reasoning, and
You use your power of will to overcome the power of habits.
You take charge of yourself and become self-responsible for
what you need to do.
You responsibly manage your life, your time, your patterns,
your behavior and self-expression.
You self-create useful and healthy good habits.
You get things done in an efficient way.
It is being cheerful and full of spirit.
You have a positive attitude and are positively motivated.
You are wholehearted in what you do.
It is giving careful attention to each task and every
Excellence is the key to success.
You can adapt to different kinds of people and circumstances.
You consider the ideas and feelings of others, without rigidly
insisting on your own way.
You keep evolving and changing, in order to harmonize with
larger social needs or with the greater ecology.
You are easy-going and accepting, rather than rigid, fixated,
or stubborn about how things unfold.
You can go with the flow.
Instead of seeking revenge or pay-back, or hating, you can let
go of resentment and move forward with a fresh beginning.
You can forgive yourself as well.
Instead of feeling bad or
guilty about your mistakes, decide to act better next time.
You reach out to others with warmth and caring.
You're willing to be intimate and trustworthy.
You share yourself and your time.
You stay connected in heart and in caring, both through good
times and difficult times.
You find ways to bring happiness to others and give what they
Being generous is an expression of our love, compassion, and
Your love and caring overflows and radiates to others.
You talk things out peacefully and with consideration of
You're harmless and you bring peace.
You make all around you feel safe.
Goodwill is a will to nurture or create what is good, right, or best.
Goodwill is a will oriented towards the good of others.
Goodwill is a will-to-love, will-to-help, and will-to-heal.
Goodwill is a will motivated by love, empathy, and caring.
Goodwill is a will to bring love, caring and givingness into all relations.
Goodwill is an expression of love, compassion, care, and givingness.
Goodwill seeks to express and manifest good qualities, good values, and good outcomes.
Goodwill produces an atmosphere of love, friendship, cooperation, and good-relations.
Goodwill solves problems and heals conflicts.
You can also have gratitude for just being.
You are of service to others, doing practical things that make a difference.
You're cooperative with the hopes and needs of the larger
You discover what is needed, then pitch in to do it.
When we help each other, we all achieve more.
You say what you truly believe and feel.
You have confidence to be yourself.
Honest people do not lie, cheat, or steal.
When you are consistently honest, others can trust in you.
Being honest with yourself means that you don't fool yourself
with lies or delusions about who you are.
You can honestly see yourself, and admit your weakness and
Self-honor is having your own self-integrity and dignity.
You live by your highest values and beliefs.
You keep your word and your agreements.
You do what you believe is right, regardless of what others do
or think.
Rather than being self-centered, you consider others and the
Earth as important as yourself.
You admit to making mistakes, but you learn from your mistakes.
You are open and willing to learn from every lesson life
You accept that you need help at times, and you're willing to
accept help, from others or from God.
You understand that a greater Wisdom exists.
Humility is realizing you are far from being perfect in what is
divinely possible, and that there is still work on the path.
You believe in the values of justice, goodness and beauty.
You believe that all great visions are possible, and you act to manifest them.
You are not simply content with how things are, because you know that a better way is always possible.
You believe there is meaning and purpose in life, and you live by your beliefs.
You have self-unity, without self-divisiveness or
Your words and actions match your true core beliefs.
Truth and honesty are valued more than social conformity.
Your self-power and self-respect is held together, and no one
can take it away.
Joy comes from within; it springs up from our spirit.
Your heart feels light and unburdened. Joy gives us wings.
You enjoy nature, you enjoy people, you enjoy life.
Suggestions for Joy
– Look within for Joy and Inner Peace.
– Enjoy whatever you are doing.
– Find creative ways to enjoy.
– Be open-minded, more accepting, and less judgmental.
– Have a sense of humour about things.
It is protecting everyone’s rights, including our own.
You solve problems so that everyone benefits.
You consider what is fair and reasonable in each unique
situation, without pre-judgement or fixed ideas.
You give back restitution to those you have hurt or wronged.
To be a champion for justice takes courage.
You don't accept it when someone acts like a bully or is
selfishly unfair.
You are thoughtful about people's needs and show them you care.
You give attention to others in ways that brings them
You show love and compassion to people who need your help.
To be kind is to not be cruel, or tease, or criticize, or cause
Love is a heart-felt warmth and appreciation for another.
You feel connected and close with another, with your family or
your group.
You show love in a smile, a kind word, a thoughtful act, or a
You treat people and things with care and kindness, because
they mean so much to you.
Love can range from self-love to group-love, or to an even
wider love for all of Earth and humanity, and finally is God-love
or Divine-love.
Loyalty is staying true and standing up for someone or
something you believe in.
You are faithful to your family, friends, nation, group, or
You maintain lasting relationships and are always ready to
Mindfulness is being fully present and aware in this immediate
moment and place.
You are aware of your thoughts, words and actions, and your
effects on others.
You are cautious about what you do and considerate of how
others feel.
You have self-discipline to create balance and temperance.
You don't overdo things, and you don't go to any extremes.
You seek no more than is needed; no excess, no greed.
You quietly accept praise.
You have boundaries about your body and how you express your
appearance and sexuality.
It could be following your own conscience or spiritual
intuition or feeling.
It could be following the guidance of a teacher, a teaching or
a religion.
It could be following the law or social rules.
You are neat and tidy, and have with a sense of harmony.
You make plans and solve problems in an organized, ordered,
step by step way.
You value order and organization in the world and in whatever
you do.
You create order inside yourself, in your life, and in your
Orderliness creates a feeling of harmony and peacefulness.
You trust that things will work out in due time.
You trust that the bus will arrive and all you can do is wait.
You are able to wait peacefully, without complaining.
You are tolerant and not upset by difficulties or mistakes.
You persevere to meet your goals, without reaction to setbacks.
You are committed to a goal and will put in whatever it takes
to reach it.
You continually strive to overcome obstacles.
You hold true to your direction and are not blown off course.
You stay the course, no matter how difficult it is and for
however long it takes.
You don't give up.
You keep going.
In peacefulness, harmony prevails.
You resolve conflicts, rather than fight about it.
Peace in the world begins with peace in your heart and peace
with everyone around you.
In playfulness, you explore for the sheer delight
of the experience,
or you do something for the sheer delight of doing it.
In Playfulness you become free of routine patterns and are willing to explore new things and new ways.
In playfulness, you find delight in the present moment, and there
is no hurry.
In playfulness, you are relaxed, spontaneous, and allow the
situation to unfold freely.
In playfulness, life is discovery, and learning is naturally fun.
In playfulness, nothing is hard serious work, yet things get done.
Playfulness increases enjoyment and joy, lightness and fun.
Playfulness reduces stress and the tensions of seriousness.
Playfulness often engages people and makes them more connected.
Playfulness nourishes creativity, new ideas and new discoveries.
In playfulness, new connections are formed in the brain and we
become smarter.
In playfulness, rules, fixed ideas, and previous behaviors are
open to change.
Playful people are adaptive to new situations and make do with
whatever is at hand.
Playful people alternate between – reality (of what is)
and imagination (of can be).
Prayerfulness is a conversation with the Divine, or humbly
asking for higher guidance and help.
You have a vision for what you want to accomplish.
You focus your energy on the goal at hand.
You make things happen, rather than just let things happen.
Your life feels to have meaning and direction.
You are responsible.
You keep give your best to every job.
You don't forget your commitments.
You complete what you agree to do.
Responsibility is the ability to respond-ably to the
need at hand.
You take on what is needed to do, with diligence and
You make choices, rather than just let others decide things.
You accept accountability for your choices and actions.
You admit making mistakes.
When you make a mistake you try to fix it, instead of making
excuses or blaming others.
Others can trust you to strive at completing things with
Your words and actions show courtesy.
You honor the rules and customs of a group or culture.
Respect yourself, and others will respect you.
You experience a deep spiritual respect and awe, in relation to
life, to nature, or to someone special.
You stand by the truth.
You live by the moral code of harmlessness.
You give of yourself, in service to life and to larger needs,
making your life a sacred offering.
You let go of your self neediness.
You give all you have for what you believe is right.
You have a commitment and focus to do whatever is needed.
You do what is needed with excellence.
You have a radiant attitude, not a begrudging or 'I do so much'
Your words and actions are true to your heart.
You work steady towards your goal and move past any obstacles.
You have the will and endurance to succeed.
You tell people what you think, yet with kindness and in
small doses.
You know when it is better to not say
You realize the specialness and beauty of life.
You appreciate the many little things that happen every day.
You can find a lesson or a gift in what happens, even in
You can accept things that you wish were different.
You don't demand that others think, look, speak or act just
like you.
You realize that people can be unique in their
feelings, needs, hopes and dreams.
You have patience and flexibility.
You are free of
You refrain from hurtful judgment.
You have a positive attitude about the
You have confidence that a good outcome will
happen without trying to control it or force it.
In each moment, you trust in the Divine Goodness.
You do what you say you will do.
You are loyal to friends and are not hurtful.
can count on you to do your best, to keep your word, and to follow
through on your commitments.
are honest about yourself and what is real.
You don't try
to impress others with exaggerated stories about yourself.
are accepting and comfortable with yourself as you are, so you
don't pretend to be anything else.
You have empathy and compassion for others.
You know what people really mean in what they say.
You listen well to others and to life.
You comprehend the causes and implications of actions or
You know the purposes of things.
You feel connected with others, with nature, or with life.
Diversity and unique expression is valued within our inclusive
We work and live together peacefully.
Together in unity
we can accomplish more than anyone alone.
This vigilance could be applied for external situations requiring continuous attentiveness.
Yet vigilance could also be applied in regards to oneself, such as being attentive to one's own heart feelings, or one's inner voice, or one's breath or body movements.
Wisdom is giving
helpful advice or guidance.
Wisdom is a fusion of
knowledge, experience, mindfulness, intuition, love, and sound
You have a discerning mind, seeing what is
beneficial for the greater needs of Earth and humanity.
understand the fundamental principles and values in life, while
also knowing how to apply these in practical ways.
These are the same Virtues as above,
but with each description right below the virtue
Appreciation is recognizing the goodness of someone, something, or an action.
You recognize beauty, excellence, and value.
You see the goodness of what is given in life or in what you experience.
You appreciate the beauty in nature.
You express appreciation with gratitude.
Being assertive means being positive and confident.
You think for yourself.
You believe that your ideas and your needs are worthy of
respect, and you express your ideas and wishes.
You stand up for what is right, and you don't let people
manipulate you.
You set personal boundaries if needed.
Caring is giving love and attention to people who matter to
you, and treating them with gentleness and respect.
You feel an urge to help people, and you give your best effort
to do what is best for them.
You can also care about animals and plants and the Earth, or
you can care about ideas, projects, or other things.
With caring, you consider what is needed, and you do what is
Commitment is deciding carefully what you want to do, then
giving it 100%.
You give your all to a friendship, a task, or something you
believe in.
You are of wholehearted service to someone or something, or to
a larger work or purpose.
You have unwavering perseverance to stay with a person or a
work, through the easy and hard times.
You finish what you start, and you keep your promises.
Compassion is the combination of —
love, caring, understanding, and empathy.
You truly love people with a feeling and realization
of being related in the deepness of heart.
You care about people – their feelings and their well being.
You seek to understand the situation and feelings of others.
You share empathy with others, opening your feelings to what they feel, yet without being self-identified.
You feel for those who are suffering or in need, and you want to help them.
You feel compassion for others, even if you might disagree with their beliefs or actions.
You love unconditionally. You let go of judgments and you forgive.
Self-confidence is trusting that you have the ability to
succeed in what you try.
You feel positive in new situations and have courage to try new
things, without letting doubts or fears hold you back.
When you have confidence in others, recognizing their abilities
and trustworthiness.
Consideration is being thoughtful of other people – their
feelings, wishes and needs.
You do what is good for people and what makes them feel loved.
You think about how your actions affect others and the Earth.
You give intelligent thought to each idea and possible
Cooperation is working together for a common goal and sharing
the work load.
You behave harmoniously with others and follow socially agreed
Your actions benefit the larger community or purpose.
You join with others to do things that cannot be done alone;
for together we can accomplish great things.
Cooperation builds group harmony, peace and well-being.
Courage is being unafraid to make a decision or try something
You embrace life fully and keep moving forward with positive
You can take on a difficult challenge without fear.
You do the right thing, even when it's difficult, and you don't
give up.
Courage requires self-confidence and a positive belief in
Courtesy is being polite and respectful, and having good
You give others a feeling of being respected and valued.
You give to others to make them happy.
Creativity is finding different ways to be expressive or to solve problems.
With imagination you can see things in
new ways.
You are open-minded to new ideas and
inspirational visions.
You express your unique talents, abilities, and ideas.
You have courage to express new styles, rather
than just copy or repeat what everyone else does.
Your originality brings new variety into the world.
Decisiveness is a firmness of mind and will – to make a
stand, reach a conclusion, or make a commitment to do something.
Decisiveness requires discernment, commitment, and courage.
With detachment you can be aware of your emotions and your
thoughts, but not allow them to take control.
With detachment, you are free to thoughtfully choose how you
will act, rather than merely react mechanically.
Detachment frees your consciousness.
Detachment is a power of our will to be free from attachments
and reactions.
Determination is continually working on something until it is
complete or good enough, even if it isn't easy.
You make consistent effort to reach your goals, not giving up
because of difficulty.
You focus your energy and efforts on a task and stick with it
until it is finished.
Commitment to something you care about deeply.
A feeling of being magnetically drawn to love and serve others,
God, or an important service work.
Diligence is working hard and doing your absolute best.
You do things step by step, with great care and attention.
Diligence helps you to get things done with excellence and
Discernment is a clear seeing of the truth and what is the best
It is knowing what is true, not false.
It is knowing what is real, not fake.
It is understanding what is right or best to do, or which path
to take.
To reach discernment, you use experience, sound reasoning, and
Self-discipline is having self-control to do what you choose to
do, or need to do, rather than being controlled by your habits or
childish desires.
You use your power of will to overcome the power of habits.
You take charge of yourself and become self-responsible for
what you need to do.
You responsibly manage your life, your time, your patterns,
your behavior and self-expression.
You self-create useful and healthy good habits.
You get things done in an efficient way.
Enthusiasm is an excitement about life and an openness to the
wonders each day holds.
It is being cheerful and full of spirit.
You have a positive attitude and are positively motivated.
You are wholehearted in what you do.
Excellence is giving your best and doing your best in whatever
you do.
It is giving careful attention to each task and every
Excellence is the key to success.
Flexibility is being open to change or to new ways.
You can adapt to different kinds of people and circumstances.
You consider the ideas and feelings of others, without rigidly
insisting on your own way.
You keep evolving and changing, in order to harmonize with
larger social needs or with the greater ecology.
You are easy-going and accepting, rather than rigid, fixated,
or stubborn about how things unfold.
You can go with the flow.
Forgiveness is overlooking mistakes and giving someone another
Instead of seeking revenge or pay-back, or hating, you can let
go of resentment and move forward with a fresh beginning.
You can forgive yourself as well.
Instead of feeling bad or
guilty about your mistakes, decide to act better next time.
Friendliness is taking an interest in others and making them
feel welcome.
You reach out to others with warmth and caring.
You're willing to be intimate and trustworthy.
You share yourself and your time.
You stay connected in heart and in caring, both through good
times and difficult times.
Generosity is giving and sharing freely what you have, but
without expectation of receiving in return.
You find ways to bring happiness to others and give what they
Being generous is an expression of our love, compassion, and
Your love and caring overflows and radiates to others.
Gentleness is acting softly, speaking considerately, and
thinking kindly.
You talk things out peacefully and with consideration of
You're harmless and you bring peace.
You make all around you feel safe.
Goodwill is a will oriented towards the good.
Goodwill is a will to nurture or create what is good, right, or best.
Goodwill is a will oriented towards the good of others.
Goodwill is a will-to-love, will-to-help, and will-to-heal.
Goodwill is a will motivated by love, empathy, and caring.
Goodwill is a will to bring love, caring and givingness into all relations.
Goodwill is an expression of love, compassion, care, and givingness.
Goodwill seeks to express and manifest good qualities, good values, and good outcomes.
Goodwill produces an atmosphere of love, friendship, cooperation, and good-relations.
Goodwill solves problems and heals conflicts.
Gratitude is feeling and expressing thankfulness and
appreciation for what life gives you, or for what others give you.
You can also have gratitude for just being.
Helpfulness is offering your help, without waiting to be asked.
You are of service to others, doing practical things that make a difference.
You're cooperative with the hopes and needs of the larger
You discover what is needed, then pitch in to do it.
When we help each other, we all achieve more.
Honesty is being openly truthful and sincere.
You say what you truly believe and feel.
You have confidence to be yourself.
Honest people do not lie, cheat, or steal.
When you are consistently honest, others can trust in you.
Being honest with yourself means that you don't fool yourself
with lies or delusions about who you are.
You can honestly see yourself, and admit your weakness and
Honor is giving respect to yourself and to others.
Self-honor is having your own self-integrity and dignity.
You live by your highest values and beliefs.
You keep your word and your agreements.
You do what you believe is right, regardless of what others do
or think.
Humility is knowing that you are not the all-important one.
Rather than being self-centered, you consider others and the
Earth as important as yourself.
You admit to making mistakes, but you learn from your mistakes.
You are open and willing to learn from every lesson life
You accept that you need help at times, and you're willing to
accept help, from others or from God.
You understand that a greater Wisdom exists.
Humility is realizing you are far from being perfect in what is
divinely possible, and that there is still work on the path.
Idealism is having high ideals about what is achievable, for yourself and for the world.
You believe in the values of justice, goodness and beauty.
You believe that all great visions are possible, and you act to manifest them.
You are not simply content with how things are, because you know that a better way is always possible.
You believe there is meaning and purpose in life, and you live by your beliefs.
Integrity is living by your highest values and ideals.
You have self-unity, without self-divisiveness or
Your words and actions match your true core beliefs.
Truth and honesty are valued more than social conformity.
Your self-power and self-respect is held together, and no one
can take it away.
Joyfulness is an inner wellspring and uplifted feeling of love
and happiness.
Your heart feels light and unburdened.
You enjoy what life brings.
You enjoy the place and the people around.
Justice is manifesting equal fairness for everyone.
It is protecting everyone’s rights, including our own.
You solve problems so that everyone benefits.
You consider what is fair and reasonable in each unique
situation, without pre-judgement or fixed ideas.
You give back restitution to those you have hurt or wronged.
To be a champion for justice takes courage.
You don't accept it when someone acts like a bully or is
selfishly unfair.
Kindness is doing something nice and helpful to others.
You are thoughtful about people's needs and show them you care.
You give attention to others in ways that brings them
You show love and compassion to people who need your help.
To be kind is to not be cruel, or tease, or criticize, or cause
Love is a feeling of affection and caring for a person, a
place, an idea, and for life itself.
Love is a heart-felt warmth and appreciation for another.
You feel connected and close with another, with your family or
your group.
You show love in a smile, a kind word, a thoughtful act, or a
You treat people and things with care and kindness, because
they mean so much to you.
Love can range from self-love to group-love, or to an even
wider love for all of Earth and humanity, and finally is God-love
or Divine-love.
Loyalty is an unwavering faithfulness and commitment to people
and ideas we care about.
Loyalty is staying true and standing up for someone or
something you believe in.
You are faithful to your family, friends, nation, group, or
You maintain lasting relationships and are always ready to
Mindfulness is being intentionally aware of the people and
things one is presently interacting with, and the space around.
Mindfulness is being fully present and aware in this immediate
moment and place.
You are aware of your thoughts, words and actions, and your
effects on others.
You are cautious about what you do and considerate of how
others feel.
Moderation is creating a healthy balance in your life between
work and play, rest and exercise.
You have self-discipline to create balance and temperance.
You don't overdo things, and you don't go to any extremes.
You seek no more than is needed; no excess, no greed.
Modesty is to value yourself without having to boast about your
abilities or successes.
You quietly accept praise.
You have boundaries about your body and how you express your
appearance and sexuality.
Obedience is following what we believe is right to do.
It could be following your own conscience or spiritual
intuition or feeling.
It could be following the guidance of a teacher, a teaching or
a religion.
It could be following the law or social rules.
Orderliness is being organized and arranging things in an
organized and harmonious way.
You are neat and tidy, and have with a sense of harmony.
You make plans and solve problems in an organized, ordered,
step by step way.
You value order and organization in the world and in whatever
you do.
You create order inside yourself, in your life, and in your
Orderliness creates a feeling of harmony and peacefulness.
Patience is believing in an expected end result, but also
knowing that things take time to work out.
You trust that things will work out in due time.
You trust that the bus will arrive and all you can do is wait.
You are able to wait peacefully, without complaining.
You are tolerant and not upset by difficulties or mistakes.
You persevere to meet your goals, without reaction to setbacks.
Perseverance is being steadfast and persistent.
You are committed to a goal and will put in whatever it takes
to reach it.
You continually strive to overcome obstacles.
You hold true to your direction and are not blown off course.
You stay the course, no matter how difficult it is and for
however long it takes.
You don't give up.
You keep going.
Peacefulness is being calm, tranquil, and relaxed.
In peacefulness, harmony prevails.
You resolve conflicts, rather than fight about it.
Peace in the world begins with peace in your heart and peace
with everyone around you.
A playful person is freely exploratory, rather than bound by fixed
rules or ideas about what is right.
In playfulness, you explore for the sheer delight
of the experience,
or you do something for the sheer delight of doing it.
In Playfulness you become free of routine patterns and are willing to explore new things and new ways.
In playfulness, you find delight in the present moment, and there
is no hurry.
In playfulness, you are relaxed, spontaneous, and allow the
situation to unfold freely.
In playfulness, life is discovery, and learning is naturally fun.
In playfulness, nothing is hard serious work, yet things get done.
Playfulness increases enjoyment and joy, lightness and fun.
Playfulness reduces stress and the tensions of seriousness.
Playfulness often engages people and makes them more connected.
Playfulness nourishes creativity, new ideas and new discoveries.
In playfulness, new connections are formed in the brain and we
become smarter.
In playfulness, rules, fixed ideas, and previous behaviors are
open to change.
Playful people are adaptive to new situations and make do with
whatever is at hand.
Playful people alternate between – reality (of what is)
and imagination (of can be).
Prayerfulness is relationship of faith and gratitude with the
Power and Presence greater than ourselves.
Prayerfulness is a conversation with the Divine, or humbly
asking for higher guidance and help.
Being purposeful is having goals and intention.
You have a vision for what you want to accomplish.
You focus your energy on the goal at hand.
You make things happen, rather than just let things happen.
Your life feels to have meaning and direction.
Reliability means that others can depend on you.
You are responsible.
You keep give your best to every job.
You don't forget your commitments.
You complete what you agree to do.
Responsibility is doing what is needed, rather than expect
others to do it.
Responsibility is the ability to respond-ably to the
need at hand.
You take on what is needed to do, with diligence and
You make choices, rather than just let others decide things.
You accept accountability for your choices and actions.
You admit making mistakes.
When you make a mistake you try to fix it, instead of making
excuses or blaming others.
Others can trust you to strive at completing things with
Respect is treating others and oneself with dignity.
Your words and actions show courtesy.
You honor the rules and customs of a group or culture.
Respect yourself, and others will respect you.
Reverence an awareness of the sacredness of life.
You experience a deep spiritual respect and awe, in relation to
life, to nature, or to someone special.
Righteousness is saying and doing what you believe is right.
You stand by the truth.
You live by the moral code of harmlessness.
Sacrifice is a willingness to give up your personal desires for
what is more important, or for a greater good.
You give of yourself, in service to life and to larger needs,
making your life a sacred offering.
You let go of your self neediness.
You give all you have for what you believe is right.
Service is giving to others and to life.
You have a commitment and focus to do whatever is needed.
You do what is needed with excellence.
You have a radiant attitude, not a begrudging or 'I do so much'
Sincerity is being true and genuine, from your heart.
Your words and actions are true to your heart.
Steadfastness is being steady, persevering and dependable.
You work steady towards your goal and move past any obstacles.
Strength is your inner power to overcome obstacles and be
victorious in what you value.
You have the will and endurance to succeed.
Tact is considering how your words affect others' feelings.
You tell people what you think, yet with kindness and in
small doses.
You know when it is better to not say
Thankfulness is being grateful for what you have, or for what
is given.
You realize the specialness and beauty of life.
You appreciate the many little things that happen every day.
You can find a lesson or a gift in what happens, even in
Tolerance is accepting and respecting differences – in
belief, cultural practice, or lifestyle.
You can accept things that you wish were different.
You don't demand that others think, look, speak or act just
like you.
You realize that people can be unique in their
feelings, needs, hopes and dreams.
You have patience and flexibility.
You are free of
You refrain from hurtful judgment.
Trust is having faith in someone or something, that things will
work out alright.
You have a positive attitude about the
You have confidence that a good outcome will
happen without trying to control it or force it.
In each moment, you trust in the Divine Goodness.
Trustworthiness is being worthy of trust, when people can trust
You do what you say you will do.
You are loyal to friends and are not hurtful.
can count on you to do your best, to keep your word, and to follow
through on your commitments.
Truthfulness is being honest in your words and actions.
are honest about yourself and what is real.
You don't try
to impress others with exaggerated stories about yourself.
are accepting and comfortable with yourself as you are, so you
don't pretend to be anything else.
Understanding is knowing what is true and how people feel.
You have empathy and compassion for others.
You know what people really mean in what they say.
You listen well to others and to life.
You comprehend the causes and implications of actions or
You know the purposes of things.
Unity is the realization or feeling of being interconnected
with others and in harmony with a shared purpose.
You feel connected with others, with nature, or with life.
Diversity and unique expression is valued within our inclusive
We work and live together peacefully.
Together in unity
we can accomplish more than anyone alone.
Wisdom is making good decisions.
Wisdom is giving
helpful advice or guidance.
Wisdom is a fusion of
knowledge, experience, mindfulness, intuition, love, and sound
You have a discerning mind, seeing what is
beneficial for the greater needs of Earth and humanity.
understand the fundamental principles and values in life, while
also knowing how to apply these in practical ways.